.. The War against Time ..

In 1532 a tiny band of reckless adventurers blundered into the midst of the mightiest empire of its day and succeeded in subjugating it almost overnight. How could this happen.. Compelling new discoveries reveal the true scope of the cataclysm known as the Spanish Conquest. They allow the voice of the Andes to speak after […]

.. Dracula ..

The story of Transsylvania’s bloodsucking ‘count Dracula’ is etched firmly in world memory. Few doubt its truth.. But, in fact, it was a work of complete fiction.. And, as always, the reality is far stranger..  and far more terrifying.. A documentary about man’s inability to accept death.

.. The Flood ..

The Flood, virtually exterminating mankind.. It seems both the single, most harrowing tale in human recollec¬tion and an impossible myth without foundation in reality. But across the entire world hundreds of myths, all unrelated to the Hebrew or Mesopotamian account allude to a worldwide disaster.. Plato’s version created the myth of Atlantis.. And yes, catastrophe […]

.. The Golem ..

The greatest of Jewish myths… On man’s desire to create, shape life and imitate the Act of God.. The shaping of artificial life – from the Golem of Prague and Monster of Frankenstein to the technical achievements of today. For these are the days of golems.. A documentary about man as sorcerer’s apprentice..

.. The Grail ..

Out of Europe’s darkest centuries emerges a myth to inspire the Middle Ages.. The Holy Grail.. Was it Christ’s Cup at the Last Supper? The Celtic cauldron of rebirth..? From Arthurian legend and knightly quest to epic struggle between the Church and its mysterious adversaries.. Does the Church disavow what might be its most sacred […]

.. Quest for the Lost Ark ..

The Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments… Focus of worship in the early Judaic religion, embodiment of God Himself.. Its disap¬pearance without trace is the greatest riddle of the Bible. What happened to it.. Does it still exist..? Questions which obsess self-made archaeologist “Texas” Jones, who burrows the caves of the Dead Sea.. […]

.. Osiris Myth ..

For thousands of years Giza’s Great Pyramids have stood, keepers of ancient secrets, harbouring a message that mankind has long forgotten.. The unravelling of this message has been the life’s work of author Robert Bauval. He unveils the great myth of Osiris and his faithful consort Isis, gods of Afterlife and Eternity, as the key […]

.. The Mahabharata ..

One of the greatest epics of mankind, laying out the very roots of Indian mythology, religion, history and thought.. With a spiritual import akin to the Bible, a literary vitality comparable to the Iliad and a storytelling power as enchanting as Arabian Nights.. A quest through India before history began – with author Paul Roberts.

.. The Son of God .. ( part I )

If Jesus never called himself the Son of God, who did… And why? From Christian message to Christian myth – a fascinating quest through the very origins of the Christian faith.. From the first decades which drew on insights found elsewhere in ancient mystery religions to three centuries afterwards, when Constantine’s Council of Nicaea defined […]


Sequel to Son of God part 1, “A Christianity before Christianity” studies the re-emergence of ancient gnosticism, seekers of secret knowledge ‘from the heart’, and the sensational find of Nag Hammadi: Ancient, unknown manuscripts which throw a new light on the origins of Christianity… If the Gospels weren’t formulated until generations after his death and […]