.. The Son of God .. ( part I )

If Jesus never called himself the Son of God, who did… And why? From Christian message to Christian myth – a fascinating quest through the very origins of the Christian faith.. From the first decades which drew on insights found elsewhere in ancient mystery religions to three centuries afterwards, when Constantine’s Council of Nicaea defined […]


Sequel to Son of God part 1, “A Christianity before Christianity” studies the re-emergence of ancient gnosticism, seekers of secret knowledge ‘from the heart’, and the sensational find of Nag Hammadi: Ancient, unknown manuscripts which throw a new light on the origins of Christianity… If the Gospels weren’t formulated until generations after his death and […]

.. As Above, So Below ..

Before the rise of civilisations, before history began.. Prehistoric man’s fascination for the stars above, ticking time eternal.. dance of Gods.. Early man’s true genius and fascination expressed in ancient monuments and myth throughout the world.. Since modern computer programmes are able to unveil the skies of the past, we are beginning to explore the […]

. To the End of the World ..

Santiago de Compostella was the ultimate goal for pilgrim in the Middle Ages… Millions walked the endless roads to Compostella, beyond which was the end of the world.,. What Mecca was for Muslims, or Jerusalem for Jews, Compostela was for Christians throughout Europe… For centuries the pilgrimage was virtually forgotten and the Camino, the ancient […]

.. The Truth about Troy ..

As the Trojan War is brought to life by Hollywood, as Helen’s beauty blinds again and Brad Pitt battles as Achilles.. What real truth is there in Homer and his Iliad..? Science now comes with spectacular answers.. Five years ago we weren’t even sure where Troy must be located – whatever Schliemann thought.. Now scrutiny […]

.. Egypt Decoded ..

For over quarter of a century British author Robert Bauval, Alexandria engineer and renowned expert on ancient Egypt, has challenged the world of Egyptology and compelled it to probe into new directions… Now Bauval unfolds the final pieces of the puzzle that leads to his discovery of the key to ancient Egypt’s great pyramids and […]

.. The Flying Dutchman ..

How Dutch Captain VanderDecken dares defy God and is doomed to roam the Seven Seas forever.. Whosoever encounters his ragged vessel is destined to share his fate.. The “Death Coast” of Southern Africa has claimed thousands of ships and countless lives: A ghost ship that makes the Southern Capes forever treacherously tempestuous..? A metaphor for […]